This site is about the future...Your Future!
How to think about and plan for the future...Your life, Your family, or Your small business
Until the middle of the twentieth century, many people believed that the future was pre-ordained, that there was only one future for each of us. In the 1950s and 1960s, think tanks and academics started changing that assumption, recognizing that the future was not pre-ordained and that there are many futures available to each of us. In short, we can each take actions to change our future!
Methods were developed by large corporations and governments to explore, understand, and plan for the future. The methods included trend analysis, understanding forces of change, scenario development, strategic planning and action plans. All developed by, and for, very large organizations.
This web site explains and demonstrates how these same methods can be applied on smaller the lives of individuals and families and to small and very small businesses. Anywhere in the world!
Pages in this web site
You can go to any page in this web site from the blue band at the top of this (and every) page.
An overview of this website.
Personal Futures
Introduction to Personal Futures and to my book "It's YOUR Future...Make it a Good One!" I plan to add more information .
Small Business Foresight
Introduction to Small Business Forsight. I plan to add more information to this age
Books and Workbooks
My books and workbooks and a link to Amazon and other sites where the books are sold.
A few videos I've created over the years including interviews and cartoons.
Free downloads
Here you can download PDF versions of my workbooks, some articles I have published, and my dissertation, "Personal Futures: Foresight and Futures for Individuals". All free!
Verne Wheelwright, Ph.D.
Some background, some short stories I have published, and information for Media.
This page.
Personal Update
My life is changing.
You can sign up on this web site for occasional emails and announcements. I don't share these contacts.
My email address is You can also contact me on LinkedIn. I try to respond quickly, so if you don't get a response, send me a repeat!